It has changed my life.I used to read very little in school. This novel explores the issues of racism, loss of innocence, and a society filled of hypocrisy. This book completely changed the way I think about money and creating wealth.Whether you like people or not you have to learn how to become more influential to live a better life and build a meaningful business.You are a miracle. During the industrial era, and taking place in Chicago's infamous Packingtown, the American Dream is chased in a soul-crushing urban jungle by immigrant workers. This book, even if it is an exaggerated work of fiction, is one that will definitely change the way you view society.This is the sort of book you want to pick up when you need a little push in your life. I love books, writing, entrepreneurship, travel, and self-development.Over the last 3 years, I read more than 100 books. With a scrambled-egg-like plot, we follow Pilgrim's story throughout his life which reflects Vonnegut's experiences as an American prisoner of war during the Dresden bombings.

I’ll admit that the following list is too short, that there are deserving titles that unfortunately had to be omitted; but as far as books that will shift your perspective — be it on love, suburbia, justice, religion, Romanticism, misery, adventure, evil, or dreams — well, these books aren’t a bad place to start: 1. Stephen Hawking's masterful and groundbreaking writing on the cosmos answers and asks all the questions you could possibly dream of: Is time travel possible? This book shows how to build a business out of your expertise.Creating wealth fast is possible. With Amazon’s Audible you get 2 audiobooks for free.Here are my top 20 books that will change your life.

What exactly are black holes? It's timeless in that there are still lessons to be learned and no matter the kinds of experiences you've lived, this book is about all the different human experiences out there.This book will ultimately change your perspective on war and love. Jane Eyre, a woman who has been orphaned and abused and given every reason to feel defeated, still stands tall and pursues her dreams of love. With the help of our community on Twitter and YouTube, we pulled together thirty of the most popular life changing books that you suggested, but if there are more that you would add, please tell us in the comments below!. In the era of Vietnam, O'Brien writes the stories that were true to him in the build up to the war, the horrors within, and the crumbling aftermath of it all. Some books even leave a heart-touching impact on your life and they tend to remain your best friends with no demands and no conditions. It’s fighting the resistance, it’s combating your inner demons, it’s showing up and doing the work, day in and day out.

A list of seven books that can change your perspective in life completely and compel you to introspect and lead a life of meaning and purpose.
This book explores five zones in the world where people forget to die.The rapid technological advancement improved our lives exponentially but at the same time transformed our psychology and got us hooked on all sorts of stimulus.

No one can do your work for you because it’s not only about the end result. Books that will change your perspective towards life TNN | Last updated on - Nov 20, 2019, 17:55 IST Share fbshare twshare pinshare Comments ( 0 ) close Because life is an adventure. I'm not a big war-story kind of gal, but this book changed my life as a writer, reader, and person.This is another war story that will redefine your views of the world.

Simple principle bringing noticeable change to your life.You don’t have to struggle to get clients and customers for your business. It made me change my entire perspective and my major to environmental science." Only you can do it.You become better by expanding your mind and acquiring new knowledge.