If you hear a dial tone, you're at one of the incorrect phones. These have been in the game for a while, so we've got the lowdown.There's no easy answer here as you obtain Red access keycards as a random drop from crates scattered throughout the map.

Here's how to break the code for the Stadium keypad and get the enigma blueprint. This, as you'd expect, translates to the numbers you heard before, so if you're following this guide, you don't need to bring up a morse code translator. This room is in the The P216 Warzone key card refers to the second parking level and so you’ll need to trudge below Stadium to locate this door. The map above shows the location of five different phones; these aren't all the phones in Warzone, but they are all the phones that can play the initial message you need to hear to kick off the first step.The second you jump off the plane and onto the map, you need to be going to these five phones and checking them. P216 Warzone key card The P216 Warzone key card refers to the second parking level and so you’ll need to trudge below Stadium to locate this door.
in den Kommentaren. Nachdem ihr die EL-21-Zugangskarte habt, könnt ihr im Wenn ihr euch in den jeweiligen Räumen befindet, müsst ihr mit dem dort drin stehenden Gebt den Symbolen einen jeweiligen Namen, welchen Begriff ihr verwendet ist hierbei euch überlassen. As soon as more light is shed on the situation, we'll let you know!So you want to open Warzone Bunker 11, huh? It’s in the The final door that you’ll need to open with an access code is located on the top floor along with the EL21 door, just on the opposite side of the level.So, how do you actually open the door?

Until then, good luck in Verdansk, soldier!Amazon just opened the first location of its highly anticipated new chain of grocery stores. They reveal the code to the locked door at the top of Stadium, which aside from containing the unique Enigma One thing to note: the code is different every game, so you’ll need to do the legwork of cracking open the doors yourself, but knowing the process will help you a lot.If you’ve picked up the EL21 key card then you should be close to the door it opens anyway as all cards spawn near their respective doors.The EL21 refers to the ‘executive lounge’ and you can find the door this key card opens on the The CL19 key card refers to the ‘concourse lounge’ – commonly referred to as the bar by players.

When the vault doors were initially added to Apex, they weren't able to be opened for a while, although there was a timer — these don't have any sort of countdown.There's also the thought that they're tied into an in-game event coming later down the line. It's fairly likely we'll see something similar in Warzone, and all of this could be tied to that.As soon as something more concrete is found, we'll be sure to update this guide. First up is explaining how the phones work. Whether that ends up being something players can launch remains to be seen but for now here's how to open Warzone bunker 11 and get at what's behind that door.So you want to get inside bunker 11, huh? Mit vier Spielern könnt ihr also wesentlich mehr Räume absuchen als im Solo-Modus. You're at the right place and you need to listen out for three numbers in Russian. He joined PCGamesN way back in 2015, and he’ll fight anyone who disagrees with him over SEO best practices. In this COD Warzon Bunker codes guide we will debunk how to open bunkers in COD Warzone, what are the passwords for computers, and how to use the telephone. Doing so will bring up a standard keypad UI for you to enter a 8-digit code.Unfortunately, this mystery hasn't been solved yet. Dies würde bedeuten, dass ihr einfach nur die erste Zahl im Code erraten müsstet. Problem is, nobody has figured out how to open the second doors yet.Anyone who has entered one of the Warzone bunkers since the season five update may have noticed you can now interact with the keypad next to the door at the back of each bunker. In one room is a dual-screen computer on the wall, glitching out. Ihr könnt aber natürlich auch andere Begriffe verwenden.

How to open Bunker 11 in Warzone, plus details on all the bunker locations and how to get insideThere are now two distinct sets of Warzone bunkers active on the map - the ones you open with red keycards for loot and the Black Ops teaser bunkers. Bath Die drei Fragezeichen stehen hierbei für die letzte Tür, bei der ihr den herausgefundenen Code eingeben müsst:Hinter jeder Tür befindet sich nützlicher Loot, natürlich könnt ihr ihn einsammeln, allerdings solltet ihr euch um die jeweiligen Computer in den Räumen kümmern.
Für Links auf dieser Seite erhält GIGA ggf. Or maybe you’ve just stumbled upon either the EL21, CL19, or P216 key cards and want to know what they do? All rights reserved. CoD: Warzone - Strange Keypads And Telephones Found On The Map Call of Duty: Warzone players believe the battle royale game is hiding one or two secrets, as … Neben den geschlossenen Die blauen Zugangskarten (Keycards) spawnen immer an unterschiedlichen Orten im Stadion. Bei der Neben dem nützlichen Loot und dem neuen legendären Bauplan für die AN-94 findet ihr ebenfalls Hinweise auf die vielleicht kommende Geschichte des Spiels. In 2004, after extensive fan petition, the source code was released under an open-source license, and development has continued ever since by the "Warzone 2100 Project". Free to Play For Everyone.

© Wie kann man die Bunker öffnen und welchen Code muss man in das Terminal eingeben?