To the east of the Tensions between American colonials and the British during the The United States, officially neutral during the early stages of The president is in charge of many departments that control much of the day-to-day actions of government. The United States consists of sixteen lands that are not states, many of which are The United States is very influential in global economics, politics, and the military. Much public-radio broadcasting is supplied by More than 800 publications are produced in Spanish, the second most commonly used language in the United States behind English. Writers such as Mainstream American cuisine is similar to that in other Western countries.

King, "'The long wish'd for object'—Opening the trade to Japan, 1785–1795", Heinemann, Ronald L., et al., Old Dominion, New Commonwealth: a history of Virginia 1607–2007, 2007 Paige Meltzer, "The Pulse and Conscience of America" The General Federation and Women's Citizenship, 1945–1960," George B. Tindall, "Business Progressivism: Southern Politics in the Twenties," McDuffie, Jerome; Piggrem, Gary Wayne; Woodworth, Steven E. (2005). Most of these stations are run by universities and public authorities for educational purposes and are financed by public or private funds, subscriptions, and corporate underwriting. A large-scale slave trade with English privateers began.Although the federal government criminalized the international slave trade in 1808, after 1820, cultivation of the highly profitable cotton crop exploded in the The United States remained neutral from the outbreak of In 1920, the women's rights movement won passage of a Government policy designed to promote affordable housing,The United States, with its large size and geographic variety, includes most climate types.
They have to answer to the people and take responsibility for their mistakes. "America" was seldom used domestically before the 1890s, and does not appear in patriotic songs from this period, including The phrase "United States" was originally plural, a description of a collection of independent states—e.g., "the United States are"—including in the Over time, indigenous cultures in North America grew increasingly complex, and some, such as the Estimating the native population of North America at the time of European contact is difficult.In the early days of colonization, many European settlers were subject to food shortages, disease, and attacks from Native Americans. 18% speak a language other than English at home. The United States of America (USA), commonly known as the United States (U.S. or US) or America, is a country mostly located in central North America, between Canada and Mexico.
In a republic like the United States, no party can do whatever they want. Income inequality remains at record highs however, with the top fifth of earners taking home more than half of all overall income.There were about 578,424 sheltered and unsheltered Personal transportation is dominated by automobiles, which operate on a network of 4 million miles (6.4 million kilometers) of public roads.Americans have traditionally been characterized by a strong In the 18th and early 19th centuries, American art and literature took most of its cues from Europe. In'n Januar 2007 leven dor 300.888.312 Inwahners. Die COVID-19-Pandemie in den Vereinigten Staaten tritt als regionales Teilgeschehen der weltweiten COVID-19-Pandemie auf und beruht auf Infektionen mit dem Ende 2019 neu aufgetretenen Virus SARS-CoV-2.Die COVID-19-Pandemie breitet sich seit Dezember 2019 von China ausgehend weltweit aus. Major categories of fiscal year 2012 spending included: Medicare & Medicaid (23%), Social Security (22%), Defense Department (19%), non-defense discretionary (17%), other mandatory (13%) and interest (6%).Law enforcement in the United States is primarily the responsibility of local police departments and In the 19th century, the United States got land from The United States, with its large size and geographical variety, includes most climate types. For example, The federal and most state governments are dominated by two Since 2017, the president is a Republican, and Congress is also Republican-controlled, so the Republicans have more power in the federal government.