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Remind Me Songtext von Röyksopp.

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Remind me was one of my favourite tracks from Royksopp, and has some great remixes included.

Remind Me - Royksopp - Goofy - Duration: 4:41. chrisoftheinterwebs 50,223 views.

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"Remind Me" is the fourth single by Norwegian duo Röyksopp.

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Remind Me Songtext.

The single version of "Remind Me" is a remix and is substantially different from the album version.

The vocals on the song are provided by Kings of Convenience singer Erlend Øye.

Very electronic in many ways, and had a great riff.


2 "Remind Me"/"So Easy" Single by Röyksopp; from the album Melody A.M.

While both other mixes on this single are quite good, the real winner here is Ernest Saint Laurent Moonfish mix.