{var lst=result[index]} as we have done in the past, we will be sending Michelle royalties from the songification 油管大神 介绍: The track is now on iTunes! {if x.album} ${getArtistName(x.artists, '', '', false, false, true)}

${getArtistName(x.artists, '', '', false, false, true)} 欢迎收听电台节目《<鬼畜调教>Schmoyoho-Not Today》,该节目属于主播Wreckingball的《Billboard欧美音乐疯》电台,简介:The track is now on iTunes! {var transName = x.album.tns && x.album.tns.length > 0 ? {list result.order as index} ${getArtistName(x.artists, '', '', false, false, true)} {if !!lst&&! ${getArtistName(x.artists, '', '/', false, true, true)} x.album.tns[0] : ''} !lst.length} as we have done in the past, we will be sending Michelle royalties from the songification介绍: The track is now on iTunes! {if likedCount>0}(${likedCount|getPlayCount}){else}赞{/if}{if likedCount>0}(${likedCount|getPlayCount}){else}赞{/if} ${getArtistName(x.artists, '', '', false, false, true)}

as we have done in the past, we will be sending Michelle royalties from the songification HAIRY LEGS - Songify Joe Biden getting fired up about legs and the hairiness …