Browse Bands by Letter: Y.
Displaying records 1 - 100 of 105 1 2 Last: Band Formed City/State Country Status Articles; Displaying records 1 - 100 of 105 1 2 Last: The Year Of Our Lord : Unknown: 1: The Young Gods : Sweden: Active: 3: Y&T : Unknown: 23: Y.E.M.E.T. A listing of metal bands starting with Z. Browse Bands by Letter: Z.

You are currently browsing 105 metal bands starting with the letter "Y." You are currently browsing 155 metal bands starting with the letter "Z." In 1981, three of the 'Big Four' thrash metal bands emerged: Metallica, Slayer and Anthrax; to be joined on the scene in 1983 by Megadeth, which was formed by Dave Mustaine after he was fired from Metallica.