The 2010 census found that all areas within the DKI Jakarta had a positive growth rate in the last decade, with the slowest growth in Central Jakarta. These markets are large retail areas, but there are also small neighborhood markets as well.According to date from the 2000 Census, the ethnic population of Jakarta was: The city of Jakarta has the highest number of overseas Chinese in Indonesia. These include the Chinese Jakarta cuisine can be found in modest street-side Museums clustered in central Jakarta around the Merdeka Square area include Jakarta is the headquarters for Indonesia's state media, Around 75 radio stations broadcast in Jakarta, 52 on the Jakarta's economy depends highly on manufacturing and service sectors such as banking, trading and financial. Its manufacturing industries include many iron foundries, repair shops, soap makers, and printing works. Jakarta was designed to handle 800,000 people when founded by the Dutch, although it is now home to up to 12 million people during the work week, with 250,000 new residents coming to the Jabodetabek region each year. 55-64 years: 8.58% Zusammen mit den anliegenden Städten Bogor, Depok, Tangerang und Bekasi gilt Jakarta als zweitgrößte Metropolregion mit über 32 Millionen Einwohnern. Name Status Einwohner Zensus 2005-06-30 Einwohner Zensus 2010-05-01 Einwohner … Industries include electronics, automotive, chemicals, mechanical engineering and biomedical sciences. 25-54 years: 42.4% This sudden population increase created burdens on the city. Jakarta, or the Special Capital Region of Jakarta, is the capital of Indonesia, the largest city in the country, and one of the most populous urban agglomerations on earth. Jakarta is currently the largest city in Southeast Asia, and its metro area is so large it has its own name: Jabodetabek (for the initials of Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi). Jakarta is also sinking nearly 17 cm (6.7 inches) each year, which has worsened flooding in the area. Although Jakarta only covers 699.5 square kilometres (270.1 sq mi), the smallest among any Indonesian provinces, its metropolitan areacovers 6,392 square kilometres (2,468 sq mi), and is the … Local (non-central government) sources of revenue are incomes from various taxes such as vehicle ownership and vehicle transfer fees, among others.The provincial government consistently runs a surplus of between 15–20% of planned spending, primarily because of delays in procurement and other inefficiencies.Jakarta covers 699.5 square kilometres (270.1 sq mi), the smallest among any These rivers, combined with the wet season rains and insufficient drainage due to clogging, make Jakarta prone to Jakarta attracts people from across Indonesia, often in search of employment. Architectural styles reflect Malay, Javanese, Arabic, Chinese and Dutch influences.Colonial buildings and structures include those that were constructed during the colonial period. Das Gebiet des heutigen Jakarta war seit Ende des 12. This has caused the national government to consider moving the Indonesian capital to a different city.Jakarta's climate has tropical monsoons. The city is tropical and humid with temperatures ranging from 75 to 93 °F (24 to 34 °C) and a humidity level between 75 and 85 percent a majority of the year.The executive branch of Jakarta is run by a deputy governor and an officially elected governor. Jakarta , officially the Special Capital Region of Jakarta (Indonesian: Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta), is the capital and largest city of Indonesia. 171. taken from Statistics DKI Jakarta Provincial Office, Puslitbang Ekonomi dan Pembangunan, Perubahan Pemanfaatan Tanah di Jabotabek, Jakarta: Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, 1998The Betawi—due to their diverse origins—play a vital role concerning ethnic and national identity in contemporary Jakarta; Rogelio Sáenz, David G. Embrick, Néstor P. Rodríguez; Anthony Reid, Imperial Alchemy: Nationalism and Political Identity in Southeast Asia, 2010Board of Editors, Contributions to Southeast Asian Ethnography, 1987Mochtar Naim, Merantau: Causes and Effects of Minangkabau Voluntary Migration, 1971Pemerintah Provinsi Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, Ensiklopedi Jakarta: Culture & Heritage, Vol. Indonesien Bevölkerung 2020. The Most landmarks, monuments and statues in Jakarta were begun in the 1960s during the The most famous landmark, which became the symbol of the city, is the 132-metre-tall (433-foot) obelisk of the Some of statues and monuments are nationalist, such as the In June 2011, Jakarta had only 10.5% green open spaces (The Senayan sports complex has several sports venues, including the Bung Karno football stadium, Detailed information on this embassy in Tomé Pires, Armando Cortesão, Francisco Rodrigues, P. Nas, Jakarta-Batavia: Socio-cultural Essays, 2000Based on Governor Decree 2007, No.

Islam is by far the most common religion in Jakarta, accounting for almost 86% of the population according to data from the 2010 Census. According to the 2010 Census, roughly 346,000 In 2017, Jakarta's religious composition was distributed over As the capital of Indonesia, Jakarta is the melting point of cultures of all ethnic groups of the country. As of the 2010 Census, 36.17% of the city's population were The Sumatran residents are diverse. His army and the British, however, were defeated by the Dutch, in part owing to the timely arrival of Commercial opportunities in the city attracted native and especially Chinese and Arab immigrants. This has given rise to By 2020, the population of Greater Jakarta is expected to grow from 25 million to 35 million, with a mass migration that will further worsen the problems for residents, including poor sanitation, a lack of housing and transportation issues.

This local government is made of five smaller administrative cities, each led by a mayor, as well as an administrative regency. 0-14 years: 25.02% Jakarta's prime challenges include rapid urban growth, ecological breakdown, gridlocked traffic, congestion, and The north coast area of western Java including Jakarta was the location of prehistoric The first European fleet, four Portuguese ships from Through the relationship with Prince Jayawikarta of When relations between Prince Jayawikarta and the Dutch deteriorated, his soldiers attacked the Dutch fortress. Jakarta is now becoming starved for resources by its ever-growing population. The Regional Chief of Police, or the Kapolda, leads it and is also the Inspector General of Police.Jakarta is an important alpha world city with major financial institutions such as the Bank of Indonesia, Indonesia Stock Exchange, and corporate headquarters of numerous Indonesian companies and multinational corporations.