The RCON password will be displayed on your You can change the current map to any stock one or we have a After changing any map settings, like the game mode, it is required to restart the map so it can change.You can change or remove the password to join your server by leaving the value empty.You can change the hostname on the request form or if you want to change it after you've started it, you can do so using this command. Home; Nations Cup; News; Tournaments; Streamers; Information; Home; Nations Cup; News; Tournaments; Streamers; Information; Call of duty 4 Promod Home. We have a number of configurations and options. Get your very own free game server with RCON.

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[…]Join our Discord server and you can play PUGs, search for matches & players.We have also plenty of tutorials so if you are facing any problems with CoD4 we are glad to help.We have a community of players that grows every single day and we have currently almost 1700 players.Dont hesitate and join us so you can be part of this amazing Call of duty 4 community. If you played Modern Warfare 2, you might have tryed this mod bevore. Open console and run the login command to gain access to all the following commands.

Max 48 teams (8 groups with 6 teams, top 3 teams go up […]I’m proud and excited to announce another tournament.

01 04.

You can find all important informations about CoD4 Promod - Tournaments, Events, News and a lot more. As some of you have seen Clrful with Curtis released a teaser video to promote the Cod4 Nations Cup 2020 with a democall to gather the best demos from the event.Their plan is to make a fragmovie, which will combine oldschool style of edit by Curtis with a fresh look and ideas by Clrful.If you are participating in the nationscup and want to be part of the fragmovie submit your timestamped demos (name, round) at: Players like Qlimaxzu, Stevy, Cozje and many others already confirmed their interest.CONFIRMED NATIONS CUP TEAMS [48]   #1 warking waaKy Aladrin bubak shagy roflex kanker #2 CoolHandFluke stifler dreezyx xyzen moony robo #3 Adamelo madness louwe Viper loony #4 Frenk […]We are happy to announce that we are hosting a NATIONS CUP!

02 Please note that you are required to keep the advert part in the hostname.Changing the game mode is easy with this command but remember to restart the map after setting the game mode.Changing the Promod mode is easy with this command, just follow the syntax as explained below.The promod_mode dvar follows a specific syntax. 01 Dont hesitate and join us so you can be part of this amazing Call of duty 4 community. Teams will fight for a set prize pool according to payments and donations. SALE. FSHOST is not associated with Activision, Infinity Ward, Bulkhead Interactive, New World Interactive, Steam, Valve Corporation, or EA.FSHOST is a game server provider that's totally free for all gamers

Call of duty 4 PUG Community 2020 | made by warking If you kill without scoping, you will be kicked after some kills.

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We've lowered the price of some of our Pro packages. 03 Dates : 11-12th January.

Get Free Server Support Mix Pro Donate. Host FREE servers for CoD4 1.7/1.8, CoD2 1.3, CS1.6, CSGO, Battalion1944, Insurgency Sandstorm, MOHAA, and TF2. However, you can use the segments between underscores in any order.Shows the Slot Number, Name, GUID, IP, and other info of the players connected.Take a screenshot for 1.7 (you will need PB enabled for this, just use status command if not)Contact us via our online form or Discord if you have any questions or problems.

You can now also purchase a minimum of 30 credits instead of 50. 04

It allows you only, to quickscope. The only weapon, you can use is the Intervention, of corse.

This mod is a pretty cool "Sniper Only" Mod for CoD4, which actually comes from Modern Warfare 2.