We occasionally dip into the thirties but not for more than a couple of days. According to Nell at Joy Us Garden, a Burro’s Tail does need at least 4 hours of sun a day, but bright shade or partial sun will […][…] Burro’s Tail, Haworthias & Hens & Chickens (the […][…] for your succulents? Black sooty mold spores are attracted by insects which secrete a sugary honeydew like aphids, scale & mealy bugs. I always loose a fair amount of the leaves when repotting this plant. I just purchased a small burros tail plant and I have a history of under watering and over watering my succulents. Neem Oil, which works on a wide range of insects, is an organic method of control that is simple and very effective. Give it lots of bright light, fertilize it only once a year & keep it on the dry side – your Burro’s Tail should do just fine!Hi Jo – I love my Burro’s Tail but every time I touch it, some of those leaves fall off. And now, because my neighbor cut down two of his pine trees last year, it gets some afternoon sun too. If one gets too much water, the damage occurs pretty quickly. Good news is, they propagate so easily from stem or even leaf cuttings. covid-19 … They were given to me in a plastic cup with a little water in it. NellHi Dianne – You’re very welcome! If I tried to pick up one of those “tails” on my Donkey’s (Burro in Spanish) Tail that I’ve had for 10+ years I am afraid more than half of the “leaves” would fall off. They don’t root too deep. Hi Tara – I love my succulents & they do so well because I live in a climate where they grow outdoors in the conditions they love. If yes, what type of soil should I use? Yes, any plant will elongate in low & get “sparser” in lower than ideal light conditions. NellHi! First time I’ve ever had any problems associated with it (and it flowers all the time!) They should be turning downward, especially at 12″. And, use succulent & cactus mix if it’s available in your area. they haven’t grown any either. Here are 2 reasons why I think the guy in the store told you this: 1) the plant is small & the roots have not fully formed &/or 2) the leaves of this plant fall off so easily that if you’re not careful, that small plant will be almost stripped of foliage. They are pretty massive and I keep it trimmed by giving cuttings (or making new pots of donkey tail plants) to give away (it hangs about 4-5 feet long in a protected area under a east-facing eave. There was only one that way from the many I broke off. How do you get multiple strings out of a planter naturally without growing new cuttings?Hi Herb – When a leaf falls off or you propagate it, a new little plantlet will start to form close to the root end. New growth appears out of an older stem & that’s how they spread. Best, NellHi John – You never want to root succulents in water because they’ll rot out. If they get too “stemmy” I always cut them off, shorten & replant. Burro’s Tail Leaves fall off so easily & I usually loose quite a few when transplanting. Should they be left in the water to root? We have about ten very long strands coming out of a hanging basket indoors but my stems look nothing like yours. In other words, don’t splash and go every other day. Sometimes people confuse being too wet with being too dry. You can take cuttings from those spindly trails & replant them.

I’ve always taken Burro’s Tails out of their pots when transplanting. The water needs to drain out of it fast so it’s best to use a mix specially formulated for cactus and succulents.

If they’re happy in their spot & happy with how you’re taking care of them, the tails can get 6′ long! The current tails are about 3′ long.I bought another potted pot and put on another porch, out of sunshine, but near the screened window. In the top half, I can see the stem of the plant as there are gaps between the leaves.

Happy gardening! Many thanks in advance. I just want it to look more like the leaves closer to the base of the plant where the leaves are tightly packed in with no gaps in between. Hi Jane – From what you’ve told me, I’d say it’s over watering. You could even cut off the trails now & lay them on top of the plant just for the transport. The ones in the middle tend to grow more in a more upwards direction. Thanks for the comment! I started putting it by a skylight window where it gets lots of sun all day. I’m not sure what zone you are but I can tell you this: it’s hardy in zones 9 & 10. They are brown and dry I am afraid we gave it too much sun this summer when we took it outside. Back off on the watering, maybe every 2-3 weeks. Best, NellHi Nell! Adding hanging succulents is highly […][…] below so best to give that a looky-loo. I live in Ohio and winters are cold so I can’t even imagine having one. Baby plants are emerging where the leaf meets the stem. If you scroll down on this post, you’ll see the 3 individual leaves with new little plants forming.

I promise not to gloat! I’ve read that when succulents don’t get enough sun, they elongate, but I don’t want them to burn. If you want to know more on this subject, I’ve done an entire You can also propagate it with the individual leaves. When propagating, after cutting the stems to the required length and peeling the bottom 1/3 of the leaves off where do you leave the stems to heal before planting and how do you care for them in this state.