If you hold down the button to aim, you can shoot fireballs at the expense of moving slower. Carry it to the top of the lighthouse. On the second tree, there is a tiny hole on the surface.

Main Easter Egg Steps Unlock Pack-A-Punch Locate the Skull Within the Pack-A-Punch Room With Symbol Activate Special Weapon and Shoot Skull Then Pick Up Obtain Death of Orion(Can Be Packed or Not) Place Skull in Grinder in Flooded Crypt Shoot 3 Times With Full Charged Death of Orion Pick Up The Skull Remains Bring a Axe […] Head down to the Temple where the Pack a Punch machine is and go through the doorway that got blasted open when the Pack a Punch machine unlocked. In its place will be a Scorpion Key. Shoot it and it should fall off of the podium it’s sat on.From there, head to the Stone Bridge linking the Danu and Ra towers. This will complete the map which will be the end of the Aether Storyline. Turn on the Power in the Human Infusion room at the Mountain Base which is at the top of the zipline.Once you’re done, head to the launcher which is on the Sun Deck. Look off the bridge toward the arena and it should’ve created a flaming arrow on the ground, pointing to one of the four towers.

This will kick off the final trial.This one is another wave-based trial, you don’t have to do anything funky except survive. If it fades shortly after shooting it, you need to do it again.In order to start the final trial, you need to have everyone in your game go to The Pit. Interact with the closed window in the corner between the Escargot wall-buy and the Brew perk machine in the Main Offices, 5 times.A man will start talking to you for about 20-40 seconds each time. You can kill as many normal zombies as you like in this timeframe, but the only special ones you kill must be in your designated order.Once you’ve done this for the first time, four more symbols will appear on the obelisk once you interact with it and you have to do the same thing all over again. The first step in completing this Black Ops 4 Easter egg is to activate the Pack-a-Punch. Get your pen and paper out because this is where it gets tricky.On the obelisk, a blue symbol will have appeared. Alongside the bowl will be a Pack a Punch Strife pistol called the Z-Harmony, which is super handy to have in the early rounds.You don’t need the Brazen Bull Shield until much later in the easter egg, but it’s simple to construct so we’d recommend doing it while you’re unlocking Pack a Punch and completing the challenges.To build the Brazen Bull Shield, you need to find three parts in three different temples, each with three different potential spawn points:When you’ve got all three parts, make your way to the The Pit and construct it at the workbench. You will then be locked underground until all four poles have risen, when you can go back to the Arena again.Either way, once you’ve done that, it’s time to equip your Serket’s Kiss with the Kill-O-Watt effect.Around each of the four lightning poles is an electric circle. The acid will descend, melting the head. You can do either (zombies or generators) in whatever order you prefer.Once you’re successful, you’ll hear Nikolai again, which is when you’re supposed to head to the door where you placed the fuse.

This wraps up another guide for Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Zombies Classified map. Place each skull on top of each pole and voila! You’re looking for a gong against the wall - they’re not hard to find. A number of the steps in this Black Ops 4 Zombies IX Easter egg can be completed in any order, but we recommend doing them as we list them in order to … With Note: Later down the line in the main Black Ops 4 Zombies IX Easter egg, you’ll need to take some brief notes, so have either your phone or a pen and paper handy.One of the first things you’re going to want to do is unlock the Pack a Punch machine. Upon doing this, a Lockdown Event will start. That tower is where you will find the Statue Head. Shoot the big red orb multiple times, this will cause a yellow orb to fly to a different location over the map.Find the yellow orb, approach it carefully and hit it with a snowball to turn it blue.

Place the Statue Head on the grate and turn on the Acid Trap. This includes the basic steps of unlocking the Golden Pack-a-Punch machine and everything that you have to do before you can start the Easter egg quest.You will come across scarecrows while roaming around the map. Once here, you will see a campfire, place the seal in the campfire.Now you’ll have to get the Samanta Music Box, for which you need to acquire two keycards from the Mountain Base, for which you’ll need to use the Zipline Handle.Here is a list of places where you’ll possibly find the keycards.Once you’ve found both of the keycards, head to the Security Lobby and put the keycards into the security panel. For a couple of full rounds, actually - this step takes a while, so don’t forget about it and move on to the next step.Remember earlier on when you had to get maximum crowd affinity to receive the Golden Vase? © Place the fertiliser on this dry ground, then yet again, wait for a couple of rounds. That will teleport you back to your original map and resume a normal Zombies wave.Before you interact with the red portal in the middle of the arena, make sure you’re stacked with ammo, Pack a Punch guns, perks and anything else to help you in this fight.

The final map for Black Ops 4 Zombies has been released, which means the end of the Aether storyline so we have compiled this Tag der Toten Easter Egg guide for you to hunt down. Everyone needs to stand on the pressure plate, aim at the grate and interact with it. You need to lure a gladiator zombie - one of those bigger chaps throwing axes at you - to the main arena. Get the soapstones from the dumbwaiter.Now, you will have to place these soapstones on the traps, and then activate these traps. Interact with them so that the Hermit gives you various challenges.