It's the unique contributions of all Atlassians that drive our success, and we're committed to building a culture where everyone has the opportunity to do meaningful work and be recognized for their efforts.

Atlassian has revealed plans to build a 40-storey building as its new headquarters in Sydney. Das Atlassian-Partnerprogramm bietet dir die Chance, für unsere weltweit 138.000 Kunden jeder Größe der erste Ansprechpartner für Consulting, Vertrieb und technische Services zu sein. It’s part of the New South Wales Government’s plan develop a new tech precinct at Central station, expected to host 25,000 workers. Documentation. The Atlassian Community . It's our mission to unleash the potential in every team, and we know that teams perform best when they are diverse and every team member feels that they belong. Entwickler.

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Erfahre mehr über unsere bewährten Methoden, Leitfäden und Übungen, die dazu beitragen, die Arbeit einfacher und die Teammitglieder glücklicher zu machen.Schafft einen sicheren Rahmen für die Besprechung von Erfolgen und Misserfolgen.Definiere bei wichtigen Entscheidungen die Rolle jedes einzelnen Teammitglieds.Kläre die Zuständigkeiten und ermittle Lücken und Überschneidungen.Beleuchte einen Problembereich und strukturiere die Ideen dazu.Bildungsressourcen, mit denen du dein Team einen Schritt weiter bringen kannstDer pragmatische Leitfaden von Atlassian für die agile EntwicklungDer Atlassian-Podcast über die Chemie in Teams, die das Unmögliche erreichen.Erhalte Antworten, Unterstützung und Inspiration von anderen Atlassian-Benutzern.Entdecke auf einer unserer Veranstaltungen die neue Art zu arbeiten.

An Atlassian podcast on the chemistry of unsung teams who achieve the impossible. Also working its way into the building is the heritage Parcels Shed at the YHA which was used to dispatch parcels from Central back between 1912 and the 1980s.Atlassian Co-Founder and Co-CEO Scott Farquhar said in a statement the precinct will bring jobs, ideas and innovation.“If you want to work in tech – this is the place you will want to be,” he said.

View system status. Dokumentationen und Ressourcen zum Entwickeln von Atlassian-Apps. Suggestions and bug reports.

Vertrauen und Sicherheit. Our Events . Find existing feature suggestions and bug reports. Blog "Work Life" Artikel zu den Themen Kultur, Technologie, Teams und Tipps. Secondo Atlassian, Jira viene utilizzata per il monitoraggio dei problemi e la gestione dei progetti da oltre 75.000 clienti in 122 paesi.Jira supporta l'API Networked Help Desk per la condivisione dei ticket di assistenza clienti con altri sistemi di tracciamento dei problemi.Atlassian fornisce Jira gratuitamente a progetti open source che soddisfano determinati criteri e a organizzazioni non accademiche, non commerciali, non governative, non politiche, senza fini di lucro e secolari. Apps, die Atlassian-Produkte noch besser machen. È scritta in Java ed è stata pubblicata per la prima volta nel 2004. Jira Software Cloud resources Jira Software combines development tools with agile features to help teams build world-class software. Check the health of our cloud services and products.

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At 180 metres, this will be the tallest hybrid timber building in the world.

Il processo è stato accelerato dopo il lancio di Atlassian Marketplace nel 2012, il che ha consentito agli sviluppatori di terze parti di offrire plug-in per la gestione dei progetti in Jira,Twitter reduces its support email volume by 80% with Jira Service DeskTransforming the Department of Defense Public Web service desk with AtlassianOh man, what a day! Dashboards {"xsrfToken":"8c30c9b0-3751-48c1-a727-76aefc43f362_2d6a90bed0fc4a50cc3a9ea35405260b613f86b0_lout","branding":{"id":"9","key":"psdt","name":"Paychex Service …